Ripartizione III – Scuola di Dottorato Tor Vergata


Data di esame: 06/07/2023 ore 09:00
Luogo di Esame: ONLINE 
É stata pubblicata la lista degli ammessi all'orale ed il calendario delle relative convocazioni, sono online sul sito

tutti i candidati ammessi  sono stati convocati per posta elettronica.
I puteggi verranno così assegnati: 30 punti per la prova scritta,  20 punti per la valutazione dei titoli, e  50 punti per la prova orale.
Saranno ammessi alla prova orale i candidati che avranno conseguito almeno 40 punti totali nella valutazione della prova scritta e dei titoli. 
Come disposto nell’articolo 8 del bando, saranno ritenuti idonei i candidati che avranno conseguito un punteggio totale, somma dei punteggi di valutazione dei titoli, della prova scritta e della prova orale, almeno pari a 60.
The written exam will take place, in remote fashion, on Thursday, 6 July at 9.00 a.m. CET.

Applicants are required to connect to a video call for the duration of the exam. The link and further information for connecting to the call will be sent, in advance, directly to applicants. It suffices to use a browser to connect, no additional software needs to be installed. The call will be open from 8:30 a.m. CET in order for everyone to connect, check their settings and be ready for the start time. During the exam applicants will, when requested, be required to show their identification document.

The text of the exam will be made available within the call at 9.00 a.m.
The exam finishes at 12:00 and solutions must be submitted before 12.30 p.m. using the method explained below. Applicants must remain connected to the call until they have uploaded their solutions.

Each applicant will receive an anonymous username/password that should be used for the sole purpose of sending their solutions of the exam questions. The e-mail web interface is accessible at the following link:, where the above mentioned credentials should be used. The applicant's solutions must be included in a single pdf file, and sent to

No name or other personal information should be included in the file.
Solutions with identifying information will immediately be discarded.
However, each applicant should declare the kind of position one is applying to, choosing among the following:

- Departmental PhD position (ateneo)
- "Combining geometric modeling and machine learning for classification problems" (PNRR)
- "Integrated Global Portfolios" (Ente terzo - Enel)
- Dipendenti PA (Italian public servants)

The exam will contain a selection of questions on a wide variety of different undergraduate mathematics topics. Applicants will choose to solve a few questions in their preferred topics. Solutions should be written in English apart from those applying to the position for Italian public servants who may write their solutions in Italian.
The oral examinations will be held on 17-18-19 July. There will be an online option for people not resident in Rome. 
As soon as the committee will evaluate the curricula and the written exam, more information will be posted.
Eventuali informazioni aggiuntive si possono trovare ai seguenti link:            
- Pagina web del corso

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