Ripartizione III – Tor Vergata Phd School
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Ripartizione III – Tor Vergata PhD School

The graduate school at the Tor Vergata University of Rome consists of 31 PhD courses, covering the six faculties of our university: Economics, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Medicine and Surgery, Sciences. We have made a big effort over the years to improve our programs, in terms of resources allocated, of services and support for the students, of visibility and attractiveness for those students attending their Master courses in other Italian universities or abroad. According to the last analysis of the Italian Ministry for University and Research, our doctoral school ranked fourth out of a total of about 100 Italian universities. If on the one hand we are proud of this result, we are also aware that this must be only a starting point to keep improving our performances. We are looking for bright students to help us in reaching this goal.


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